Three dimensional computer animation is becoming increasingly available due to more efficient personal computers and supporting 3D animation softwares. 3D animation is now being produced by a variety of video production agencies, marketing and promotion firms, and graphic designers. However, there are a limited number of engineers in North America who are producing 3D scientific animation. 3D animations produced by engineers become essential, when an animation based on scientific and engineering is to be presented in court.

3D scientific animation is becoming increasingly acceptable in Canadian courts. Lawyers have a new alternative, for effectively presenting their case in a 3D model based on scientific engineering analysis rather than relying solely on words, diagrams, and miniature models.

Engineers are able to accurately demonstrate to the court the results of their analysis, thus providing viewers with a better understanding of the spatial and temporal aspects of the accident. The occurrence of events could unfold infront of viewers in real time, thus demonstrating how quickly events occurred. Objects such as vehicles, individuals, animals, road geometry, and obstructions can be placed in the accident scene at specific locations and at specific points in time.

Once the accident scene is setup according to the engineering analysis, the accident can be viewed from different perspectives. An overall accident occurrence can be viewed from overhead. The point of view of drivers, occupants, pedestrians, and witnesses could be shown in real time.

3D scientific animation provides the engineer/accident reconstructionist with flexible and efficient tools in demonstrating different scenarios based on different engineering analyses. Since a considerable amount of the time that was spent in producing the animation is consumed on scene setup, the production of alternate scenarios becomes much quicker for the same scene.

A variety of accident situations could make use of 3D scientific animation. Driver action, road geometry, visibility, speed, perception-reaction, etc. could be situations that are best demonstrated using 3D scientific animation. For example, in Figure 1, a moose comes out of the roadside at a high speed into the travel path of a vehicle, leaving the driver with no time to react.

In addition to motor vehicle accidents, animation can be used to demonstrate a sequence of events in many other types of cases. Fire origin and spread in a structure, movement of a mechanical apparatus involved in a failure for personal injury or product liability cases, movement of contaminants through soil, or many other applications are possible. Any case where motion is involved could be a good candidate for animation, since drawings and photographs can only show one point in time.

The Source :

"The videotape [computer animations and graphics] provided immeasurable help in comparing the two products and gaining an understanding of the detailed workings of the machine." - Federal Judge, June 2001.
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