Forensic science research is conducted to develop new and improved methods for the analysis of forensic evidence. The research concentrates in the areas of computer science, Electronics and physics. The staff collaborates with researchers from academia, private laboratories.
Interesting area
* image restoration, encode and decode
* image analysis system
* document and handwriting analysis system
Traffic accident research is conducted to develop new and improved methods for the analysis and investigation of forensic evidence. The research concentrates in the areas of computer science, mechatronics and physics. The staff collaborates with researchers from academia, private laboratories.
Interesting area
* software solusion technology
* ADR(accident data recoder) analysis
* equipments for Investigator
Traffic safety research is conducted to prevent traffic against accident. The research is include in the areas of traffic egineering, safety egineering, system engineering, economics, accounting. The staff collaborates with researchers from academia, private laboratories.
Ability area
* road safety diagnosis
* safety diagnosis for transportation company
* Business promotion report
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